
Blog Astarte Submission New Books First Cause Anthology

Astarte Anon Press


The Divine Astarte placed her hand on the arm of the blind bard, and told him to compose her truth and history. Her words are now called myths and legends  -  of eons past.

The sons and daughters of the bard are today driven to give to all who hear their words  these tales of the distant past.

       Astarte Anon Press

          Astarte welcomes submission of fiction. AAPress publishes eBooks and Paperback editions. Fantasy, Horror, and major genres are welcome. AAPress is open to cross genres, erotica and collections.

   Word limit - 7,000 words. Publications include - eBooks - Paperbacks - Collections and Anthologies - Miscellany Collections.

      Times New Roman 12 pt - double spaced - submit the first seven pages - no attacments until we ask for them - provide the word count.

 AAPress pays 50 % royalties - divided equally for anthologies

By the Will of Astarte


All writers are welcome to submit -

email -

Subject Line - "Submission - Astarte Anon Press"

Times New Roman 12pt - submit by email - no attachments

submit the first seven pages of fiction - query for longer texts - send attachments only if requested

provide  a synopsis for fiction and word count 


   Royalties will be paid - 50% - shared by writers in an anthology, equally

Astarte publications include -  

Journals and eZines

     Paperbacks and eBooks

          Anthologies - eAnthologies - Collections 

Short texts, flash fiction and micro fiction are welcome - along with longer texts.

Submit by email - no attachments

Full standards are available upon request.




